This week we went all handicraft in the time-machine, travelling through the ages armed with scissors and blu-tack, making origami animals as we mixed a lockgroovetastic lovefest of jazz, bossa-nova, and spacetime samba.
Four turntables, four broken CDrs, eight pieces of blu-tack, one-delay button, one very late night, one intense time-travelling experience.
To your right is a picture of the inside of our refrigator.
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(And if that's not enough time-travelling for you, you can hear our recent TTMB 3 hour WFMU show HERE)
I don't understand why you cut the cdr in half. Surely the record would still loop if its was just a whole cd on there. hmm
Cutting the CDr in half means you can place it anywhere you want on the surface of the record. With a full CDr it's limited where you can place it because of the spindle on the record player.
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